1. Me = Highly unmotivated this semester. (Zero idea what I really want to do with my life career wise.)
2. I'm gonna apply for an online job this week, I swear.
3. I will shamelessly stuff my face on Thursday, & Friday. (Leftovers)
4. Me = Crazy baby hungry. Must hold all babies.
5. I want this job so I can get unnecessary things like Mac make-up, eyelash extensions and a tanning package.
6. Trent wants babies too, he just doesn't want me to go into labor during my final, finals.
7. I miss the sun, I miss the heat, I miss the ocean, I miss the desert, I miss palm trees, I miss weather over 50, I miss a sun warmed car, I miss flip flops, I miss no jackets.
8. My abs are pretty flat right now. Except for when I sit or wear clothes.
9. Been hustlin' all kinds of deals lately, free trim (hair) for me & Trent, cheap food, free toilet paper... you get creative in college.
10. Realized today that any man who is willing to get stuck in the arm with a capri-sun straw sized needle, twice a week, for three years, just for $50 bucks to pay for the basics, is a real man. And he loves me. (He gives plasma!)