
Monday, October 4, 2010

Oh hey!

Man - o - man! This semester has been non-stop. A lot of my teachers wanted homework done for the first class and it hasn't stopped since! Not that I'm complaining, I really like my classes but its just non-stop so I don't feel like I get any "me" time, or time for anyone else, which totally bums me out. But maybe if I am more organized I can change that up. Trent's semester is even busier than mine! He is in a database class that is the hardest class in the CIT program, not to mention his teacher is a complete LOON!!! haha he is this total genius but doesn't get that not everyone is on his level. Anyway, we wish were still in Tennessee visiting my sister and her fam! It was such a great trip and I LOVED seeing my new little nephew Ollie! He is the chubbiest, happiest baby ever! Even if he's sad, if you smile really big and say hiiiiiiiiiiii! he smiles really big!

Ollie's older brother Zach took this picture! He's just chillin! He bites his lip and goes "hommmmmmm".

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